August 13, 2012

  • Much Better! =}

    Today was a much better day than the past week! I was in so much pain that I found myself holding my breath, afraid to breathe because it hurt so bad to walk and breathe. Today, that pain is still there but at least now the pain meds are able to take the edge off and things are starting to heal a bit. Some of the pain is my own fault. My Gastroenterologist has me on a bread, rice and potato only diet when I'm really torn up and quite frankly, I really can't break down much more than that anyway. So I start to heal and about the time I'm really sick of my 3 favorite food groups I decide that ok, maybe pizza won't hurt and maybe a salad won't hurt and maybe some vegetables won't hurt and the next thing I know, I'm back where I started from. One can only eat bread, potatoes and rice for so long before they go cross-eyed, but still, I know better!
    I decided that I need to start listing my accomplishments each day. It's been quite a blow to my morale being reduced to basic functions such as brushing teeth and eating breakfast that it's hard to feel like I've done anything and yet, with things the way they are, those are real accomplishments for me. Sometimes taking a shower is exhausting!

    Today's Accomplishments........squat! heehee!

    However, I did get dressed and go out to Wendy's for dinner with Papa Bear where I had a baked potato and 2 bags of their croutons. I could only eat half my potato so I'll have lunch for tomorrow all ready to go. For some reason when I eat something soft, I have to eat something crunchy or I'm not satisfied. I'll leave that up to the shrinks to figure that one out.

    I got to talk to my Cubby Bear, who is in Texas, today. That was a nice surprise and really made me feel good. They still don't have a date that they're leaving for Kuwait, but so far it's tentatively the 17th. I downloaded Voxer on my phone which is like a walkie-talkie app and so we can leave each other voice snippets. I tell ya, it's been really good to hear his voice! I felt so bad for him because he was supposed to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers in January and the concert was cancelled and rescheduled to yesterday. Knowing that he was going to miss the concert, he gave the tickets to a good friend of his. Unfortunately she goofed up the dates and thought it was tonight and missed the concert last night. She was going to try and go tonight anyway and see if they'd let her in. Doubtful, but hey you never know. So far I haven't heard back from her. Poor Cubby was tied up in knots. It was bad enough that he had to miss the concert but then to have $250 go down the drain for nothing was not an easy thing for him to swallow. He was furious. He feels like every time he tries to do a good thing, something goes wrong. I reminded him that he did do a good thing by giving the tickets to Christine and that everything happens for a reason. I reminded him that by her not going last night, she might very well have avoided an accident or something that could have been really bad. He felt a little bit better after that, but it wasn't the same. Remembering that when you give something away, you relinquish all control of what happens to it at that point isn't always easy but I sure understand where he was coming from!

    I'll be seeing my Oncologist on the 16th. I always get really nervous before hand but I always feel better when I get the results of my blood tests. He ordered some tests this time around that he wanted the results STAT which worried me a little bit but they weren't major tests, so I'm not sure what that was all about. The important one, the CEA (cancer/tumor marker test) wasn't STAT so I'm not going to worry about it.

    Sometimes I leave replies to your comments on my page so if you have time, check back every now and then. Moss and Broom Service, I left you both a comment on my last post but Xanga ate it on the way to be posted and I was too tired to rewrite it. I'll try again tomorrow.

    I hope you all had a great weekend and have just as great of a week!

Comments (2)

  • I'm so happy that you're doing better. That is great news! That's sad about your son but you're right... once you give something away it's no longer yours to dictate. And, you could be right about her not being meant to be there. I'll be thinking positive thoughts about your August 16th appointment. You have a wonderful week too.

  • I'll be thinking of you on the 16th, but I think of you every day. Don't worry about Xanga eating comments, it's more than enough to know I'm in your thoughts. I'm sure Amethyst feels the same way.

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