January 8, 2009

  • For some reason I've been totally in tune and really proactive the Cancer Survivors Network and I'm not sure why. Well for one I view it as a way to give back to others that are struggling with the same things I went through but I think there's other subconsious reasons too that I'm not totally aware of at this point. I've really been reading up on people's diagnosis and been tuned into the success stories of people who have had or are Stage IV which is the final stage. Also, the other night I received a message from out of nowhere. Except I know better. It's either a message from the Gods or from my guardians including the Universe, but the message was, "You need to work on getting Doug into a full time position so that if you get sick again you don't lose everything again." Hmmmmm, not very comforting. I also called HR to ask how disability would work should I need it again so soon. I didn't call because I was worried but because I felt compelled to know the answer. I know that I'm at high risk for a reoccurance because I've already had cancer 3 times. I'm kind of assuming that because of the message and my innate draw towards people's success story for Stage IV that my psyche is gearing up for another battle. If it is, so be it, I'll listen to my inner feelings, ramp up and fight with all I've got. If not, I'll use my draw to help others. Not that I'm putting it out there for the cancer to return but I've got to be realistic as well. We'll see how this plays out.

    Wasn't this a cool tie in!

    Next time you make a wish, Megan, wish for what is, because really and truly, things don't get much better than this.

    There is a purpose, a plan, and a reason for all things. What doesn't make sense, will make sense. You are exactly where you should be; your challenges are what they should be; your rewards are what they should be; and the best is yet to come. Time has served you well. Love is in the air. And you're looking mighty good in the light that now surrounds you.

    A toast to life... to you... to us...
    The Universe

Comments (5)

  • wow!!! That is VERY interesting dear!!! I wish I could be so in tune.

  • Here's hoping that the cancer stays away for good. {{{Hugs}}}

  • @_@ I hope you'll be fine!! I feel like crying already! :(

  • @geniusbarb -  Aww, you're too cute, thank you! A cancer survivor always has to be aware that they could do battle again, it's just the nature of the nasty, filthy beast. It's what you do with your life in the meantime knowing this could happen that matters. Some become bitter and filled with rage and some become sorrowful and scared. I'm those things too but I refuse to let it control me. If I can help just one person then this battle will not be a total loss. If I become bitter, angry and weak, the cancer will have gotten double the points. I say, "Screw you cancer!" LOLOLOL

  • @Broom_Service - Thank you, me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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