January 10, 2009

  • Ever since I had my surgery my husband has been riding my ass to eat better, get in shape and be healthy again. On the 5th of January I started a high protein, low carb, not no carb but low carb diet. I've been feeling better, doing well and proud of myself. I've asked him time and time again to stop frying my eggs in bacon fat. The fat just drips off the eggs. For someone who wants me to get healthy, he's not helping me! GRRRR


    I'm driving the Limo for the first time tonight and scared shitless!!

January 9, 2009

  • One of the people I'm so grateful for!

    One of the angels I'm so grateful for!

    Dear Scott and Sandy,

    I just wanted to tell you what a fantastic employee you have in Christina Muller. In 2007 and 2008 I was out for 8 months battling two different types of Cancer. My husband was unemployed and I was worried sick about how I would handle the details of my insurance coverage and whether I would lose it, disability and having enough money to make it through my time off on top of worrying about a life-threatening illness and how it would affect my children and family members.

    Chris completely took the ball and ran with it. She became known as "Saint Chris" between my husband and I. We literally could not have gotten through it without her help. As it was we lost our home, my kids had to go and live with relatives, my pets went to friends, both my vehicles were repossessed and all my personal belongings were packed up and sent to storage. I went through chemotherapy and radiation on an air mattress in a friend's spare bedroom. If I'd had to deal with worrying about financial and insurance details on top of all that I would have been even more of a basket case!

    Chris made sure my checks were ready on time, she called me with the amounts each month so that I would know what to expect and told me or my husband where to pick them up. She recruited people to donate their CAT leave knowing what our situation was, she obtained permission for a second CAT leave donation letter to be sent out and each time she knew there would be more donations she called me at home to let me know that there was more help on the way and much, much more. I never once asked Chris to do any of that for us, she did it out of the extreme kindness of her heart and her personal dedication to doing a job well done. Chris and I had never met before and I have never been so touched by another's kindness and willingness to go the extra 10 miles for a total stranger. I literally would have had a much harder time getting through that tough time without her help! I included that tid-bit at the top about my situation so that you could see what an extreme help Chris was throughout our ordeal.

    I sincerely hope that Chris will be acknowledged for her hard work, dedication to doing a great job and wonderful kind heart as she so deserves it!


    Megan Wampler

January 8, 2009

  • For some reason I've been totally in tune and really proactive the Cancer Survivors Network and I'm not sure why. Well for one I view it as a way to give back to others that are struggling with the same things I went through but I think there's other subconsious reasons too that I'm not totally aware of at this point. I've really been reading up on people's diagnosis and been tuned into the success stories of people who have had or are Stage IV which is the final stage. Also, the other night I received a message from out of nowhere. Except I know better. It's either a message from the Gods or from my guardians including the Universe, but the message was, "You need to work on getting Doug into a full time position so that if you get sick again you don't lose everything again." Hmmmmm, not very comforting. I also called HR to ask how disability would work should I need it again so soon. I didn't call because I was worried but because I felt compelled to know the answer. I know that I'm at high risk for a reoccurance because I've already had cancer 3 times. I'm kind of assuming that because of the message and my innate draw towards people's success story for Stage IV that my psyche is gearing up for another battle. If it is, so be it, I'll listen to my inner feelings, ramp up and fight with all I've got. If not, I'll use my draw to help others. Not that I'm putting it out there for the cancer to return but I've got to be realistic as well. We'll see how this plays out.

    Wasn't this a cool tie in!

    Next time you make a wish, Megan, wish for what is, because really and truly, things don't get much better than this.

    There is a purpose, a plan, and a reason for all things. What doesn't make sense, will make sense. You are exactly where you should be; your challenges are what they should be; your rewards are what they should be; and the best is yet to come. Time has served you well. Love is in the air. And you're looking mighty good in the light that now surrounds you.

    A toast to life... to you... to us...
    The Universe

January 6, 2009

  • My story is..... HERE

    Unfortunately the website required a sign in so I've copied and pasted my story below.  This is from the Cancer Survivor's Network which is my "support group" so to speak.

    MoonDragon's Moon

    About MoonDragon

    Joined on

    June 16 2005

    Most Recent Activity

    Friday 01 02 2009

    My relationship to cancer

    I have had a cancer diagnosis
    I am no longer in treatment for cancer
    I have had a cancer recurrence or metastasis
    I lost a family member to cancer



    Age Range


    Personal web page

    MoonDragon's Moon

    How and when did you learn about your cancer?

    I was diagnosed with colon cancer in January of 2000. I'd been bleeding and having symptoms that I flat out ignored for the past 7 years. When I couldn't ignore it anymore I had a sigmoidoscopy done in December of 1999. The tumor pretty much jumped up and shook my hand. I then had a colonoscopy to see what lurked around the bend. Fortunately it was just the one tumor. I had my tumor removed on January 11, 2000. I named her Carol after my really nasty boss.I was told at that time that no radiation or chemotherapy were necessary. I wonder now if that was true?
    Update October 2007
    My Cancer has returned in the very same location as the first tumor. I am now resting at home after my second resection. I am very uncomfortable and body functions are not resuming to normal working order.
    Update February 2008
    The night before my last chemotherapy session: more cancer was found in my Gallbladder on the inside, so it was not considered a metastasis but another entirely new cancer site.
    Update January 1, 2009
    I am no longer in chemo or radiation. I had two major surgeries within a 4 month period of time and it was pretty touch and go for awhile. I'm now happy to say that I'm doing much, much better. I've had several CT/PET scans with no new evidence of disease and my CEA has gone from a 2.2 to a 0.5. I have my next set of blood tests at the end of the month. In the research I've done, I would normally have a 63% chance of survival in the next 5 years. My oncologist has knocked it down to a 50% due to the Gallbladder cancer. I don't care. If I'm here, I'm here, if I'm not, I'm not and it's the quality of what I do with the rest of my life that matters, not how long it is. I could live 60 years and do nothing with my life, I could live 4 years and make a difference in a lot of lives. Which is more important? I think we all know!

    Do survival rates and time really matter at all?

    I've come to realize in my journey and watching the journey of my now deceased best friend, Bud Harbarger (Bud Martin to those of you who know him here), that time really does not make any difference at all. When it's your time, it's your time and no prediction of survival rate matters at all. Bud was in the final stages of his cancer and 3 months before he passed away he had a really bad RV accident. The doctors said he shouldn't have lived through it. He did live through it only to pass away 3 months later. He said to me, "Meg, I thought my last living memory was going to be of all my Jelly Bellys swirling around my head as I tumbled through the RV." He did indeed live to bless us all with 3 more months of "Bud". All the research in the world isn't going to make a bit of difference if it isn't your time. I used to really stress about the amount of time that I had left and the fact that I have 6 children that would ultimately be left behind, but in the end none of that matters. If it's not my time, no amount of cancer is going to kill me. If it's my time it could very well be the cancer that kills me, or quite possibly something else. Just because I battle cancer doesn't mean it's a death sentence. It might be the means to the end and it might not. I might die next week or I may die at 108. I'll die when I'm meant to die and not a moment before then just as Bud did.

    What has been the most important part of my cancer recovery?

    Giving back, plain and simple. I lost EVERYTHING in the last two battles of cancer. I lost my home, my children had to go and live with relatives, my pets went to friends and family, my material comforts got packed up and sent to storage, both my vehicles were repossessed, we literally lost everything. Through this entire time of Hell on earth I was without a doubt watched over. My friend offered my husband and I her spare bedroom, people we didn't even know were making monetary donations and offering the use of their vehicles. I went through chemo and radiation on an airmattress but I had a roof over my head!!! When I hit a certain point in my recovery, I knew it was time to give back. I've been doing volunteer work with the American Cancer Society and have had the most awesome emotional rewards I could have ever had. I was too sick from my own treatment to be able to work at some of the events, but the support from the people involved was a blessing I hadn't counted on. Ultimately I'd like to find a cancer victim that needs a helping hand. I know I couldn't have gotten through it without my husband and there were days I could barely lift my head let alone make it to the bathroom without help. I want to help someone that doesn't have anyone. Do their shopping for them or light house cleaning or something that they can no longer do for themselves. I've found that giving back has ultimately been a hugely important part of my own recovery.

    What have you learned from your experiences that you would like to share?

    We have one life to live and there are no coincidences and there are no second chances. Don't hold back. Be yourself, be there for someone else, look life in the eye and give it your best shot, no holds barred!

    Are there positive experiences you would like to share?

    I've learned what I can give to others. I learned that I have a valuable gift in being a survivor and that I can share myself with you. That's all I've got, just myself, but I'm yours.

    What else would you like to tell us?

    The hardest thing I've ever had to do was sit down with my 14 year old son and tell him that I was going in for cancer surgery, that I had no idea of the outcome, no idea if I was going to be here in 3 months, 6 months, a year or more. I wanted him to know everything from the very beginning. If he was going to have to grieve, I wanted to be there to help him through whatever I could. I can't tell you how fortunate I feel to be given the gift of another breath for another day with another hug for my kids, my family and my friends. **** The above was from the first battle. My answer has stayed the same with the last two battles. That 14 year old child is now 23 and it was no easier to tell him the last two times. I never told my younger children the first time around but I had to tell them this time. There is nothing that changes or mitigates that heartwrenching moment. It is what it is.

    For the record: I HATE the editing box they're making us use now. It's crap compared to the old one. Just thought you'd all want to know!


January 4, 2009

  • I put together my alter yesterday. I finally feel like I've moved in. I literally had a pile of crap on top of my dresser that was almost a foot high of stuff that I just couldn't find a place for. I put it all away and put out a really pretty lace table cloth, folded to the right size of my dresser. I put up my Guardian Candles, my God and Goddess candles, symbols for earth, air, fire and water in the appropriate corners, symbols of the three Goddesses that work with me, flowers for Persephone who is the feminine girl in me who brings out my love of nature, an Ankh for Isis who is my Mother protector and a cute little ceramic pig for Cerridwen who is my Crone and teaches me wisdom. I put a dragon next to my caldron in the south as dragon is with me always to guide and protect. I put a plate and chalice out for libations, a bank with coins in it and water that has been charged for weightloss and health; the things I need to work on this year. In the middle of the altar are the vows I made to learn, share, lead and service where I am needed as a goddess of the craft. Infront of that is the pentacle I made that has the different symbols of the elements and what they mean to me. It also has my craft name on it. I dedicated the altar to all those who have made me what I am, who have walked with me in times of trouble and those who continue to watch over me. I gave thanks for all that I was, all that I am and all that I will be.

    I am home.

January 3, 2009

  • I spent New Year's Eve alone and that was ok. Doug was asked to work at the last minute and we need the money so badly that I was glad to tell him to go. I really missed him and we talked on the phone when midnight came but overall it wasn't bad. I put out the same spread I always do even though it was just me and enjoyed the evening with a movie.

    I've been house sitting my boss's dog, Valentine and she went home today. She's a sweet dog but I was glad to see her go. She's used to having a doggy door and so we had quite a few accidents in the living room. She just didn't understand the concept of going outside to go potty. She was finally starting to get the hang of it before she left but three dogs is one dog too many for our small house.

    Yesterday we spent the day with Doug's cousin, Michelle up at Wilderness Lakes in Menifee. It's the perfect camping place and I'd love to go back. The problem is that Doug works most weekends and that would leave me to camp by myself with 5 kids. Hmmmmmm, thinking about that one!


January 1, 2009

  • I've thieved the idea of this type of blog from Dae cuz I thought it was an awesome idea!

    "Go to the first entry of every month of the past year.  Use actual entries with sustenance, not quizzes or the such. take the first line (or the first important line) off of that entry, and then post 'em here."

    Well, things have certianly taken a mighty strange turn............

    I'm now
    Childless and
    Well, it's certainly good to see that things have changed. What a middle of Hell that was! I was going through chemotherapy, radiation and not sure if my life was going to end up being ashes in the wind. I'm happy to say that while I'm not considered out of the woods by any means, I'm at the moment cancer free and Doug and I are now in our own place, I have my daughter living with me again and not only do I have all my pets back, we've added to our menagerie!

    Still feel like shit, but on the positive side.......................

    Doug and I are getting married on Christmas Eve this year in Kansas in the moonlight in the snow!
    Well now, that never happened. I found out about the third cancer in February and we decided on the day we found out that we were going to get married right away as we didn't know what the outcome of my health would be. I'm happy to say we're coming up on our 1 year anniversary on March 10th.

    Sorry, been away for forever. Not much good news so I wasn't posting. Thank you for hanging in there with me if you're still around to read this.
    I wasn't feeling very hopeful about life in general at the time. This was the month they discoverd an entirely new cancer and I was feeling pretty bleak about my future. Glad to say that that time has passed! How scary a year ago was!!

    People, mostly friends are funny creatures. You can go months or years without seeing them and then when they think you might be dying, they all of a sudden clear their schedule for you; jump over hurdles that were too big too keep them from returning even your instant messages and phone calls.
    This made me laugh when I read it because all of those people who were beating down my door to see me when they thought I was dying have once again faded back into the woodwork except for one and she and I have been getting closer again especially since we convese daily on Facebook. Sadly most of the others are family members, lol.

    I've had a lot going on with a lot of hurts on my heart and I have a hard time writing during that time. Mostly related around my kids and we all know how those hurts can break your heart.
    Unfortunately this was during a time when my son broke up with his gf. I still miss her terribly and because my son broke up with her, her parents are being jerks about the whole thing and won't let me or my son see her. My son has since realized he's still in love with her and I love her like my own. I really miss you, Monie!!

    OMG, it just keeps happening!! Doug and I went to court today to pay on a ticket that he'd gotten when I was sick. I sat there and listened to the judge and the defendants, one by one. After about 50 people into it, my jaw was on the floor and I was sitting there dumbfounded. The room was full of Mexicans that were driving without licenses, child endangerment, no insurance, no registration, broken down cars, etc and the judge was giving them slaps on the wrists and telling them to go.
    This still galls me. I have nothing more to say on it. And we wonder why society is the way it is.....sigh

    I'm in Kansas now on vacation for the next week and a half. We've been here a week now and am having a great time.
    I love when we go to Kansas. It's hot, extremely hot and the drive is loooooooooong and boring but it's with Doug's family and there's just so much love there. It's not anything like my family at all and it's a nice getaway!

    I'm a little sad over this and I'm not sure why. I think it's stupid that I am. My niece announced last Thanksgiving that she was a lesbian and has since gone all out.
    While I love my niece dearly, I can't say I've changed my opinions. She's starting Testosterone shots in January and wants to have her breasts removed. She's such a beautiful girl that to me it's a shame, but I'm not the one stuck in a body I'm not happy with so I really can't say much. I just want her to be happy but to not do something she might regret later on!

    This has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. This week made the 8 month battle with cancer feel like a breeze. My oldest son was arrested last weekend.
    Fortunately the outcome was one of the best things that has happened to my son. He's going to AA meetings and really trying to put his life back together. He's never taken full responsibility for his actions before and he is now. He's got close to 110 days of sobriety and I couldn't be more proud of him!!

    Yay, we picked up the keys to our new place and spent the night there last night.
    What a happy night that was! Back in our own place after living in a friend's spare bedroom for almost a year and sleeping on an airmattress while going through chemotherapy. Things were starting to turn around at that point. We still have a long way to go especially financially but that was the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I'm so tired these days, I can't stand it. I'm physically lethargic in that my body just doesn't have any energy. It's a struggle not to fall asleep at my desk day in and day out. I'm mentally exhausted as well.
    I don't know what was going on here other than we started the new semester where I work, a month prior and I was just burnt out. I know I went back to work full time before I was physically ready after the chemo but financially I had to. I think it was just part of the aftermath of putting my body through what it wasn't ready for. I'm a little better now but I still have to be really careful.

    The long weekend wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Some of our kids couldn't go to the party and so we didn't have to drive as far. The weekend ended just at the last moment when a child we were babysitting got on my last nerve.
    This sort of goes hand in hand with November's blog. I'm just so exhausted all the time that I just don't have the patience for extra noise, whining, drama and mess. I'm hoping in the new year that it will get better as I get better!


    There were a log of blogs in between the first of every month and a lot of them were good news regarding my cancer check ups. I also had a blog in there about my late friend Marty who passed away the same month I was rediagnosed with my second cancer. We'd both been diagnosed in 2000 with the same type of cancer and his life ended in October of 2007 and mine was threatened again. It was a scary and agonizing time in my life but I know he's still with me and watching over me.

    All in all, 2008 was a really tough and difficult year but I got through it and hell, it's got to have made me stronger cuz it sure tried to kill me!

    Love to all in the new year!!

December 31, 2008

  • Happy New Year! Wishing you all an even better year this year with many blessings and memories to be made!

    Sorry, for some reason my "Comments" don't work in "themes" and finding help in the themes section is like chasing my own tail so I've reverted back to "the old days". Comments should be working fine now.

December 29, 2008

  • Here's hoping you all had a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful upcoming New Year!! We had a good time. We had the kids from the 19th through the 25th and opened gifts on Christmas Eve. We figured it kinda sucked for the kids to open gifts on Christmas Day and go home an hour later! My oldest son was there with his girlfriend and it was just a really nice time. For Doug and I, it's all about the kids and watching them and for the kids its obviously the gifts but about being together too. We had an excellent, excellent ham dinner that everyone kinda pitched in and helped with and then I played Santa which is my favorite part! I wrap each and every gift, even those in the stockings and that way the kids feel like they've gotten more because they've opened more. I learned that trick years ago when the kids were small and it was a very lean year. This next year I'm going to put away $100 a month towards Christmas. Some say that's a lot and it shouldn't all go to commercialism but when you've got 6 kids, you've got to do something! Besides, Christmas is my favorite holiday even though I'm a Pagan and so I don't mind spending it on something I love!

December 21, 2008

  • Blessed Yule!

    Wishing all a very blessed Yule!



    Yule Lore (December 21st)

    Yule, (pronounced EWE-elle) is when the dark half of the year relinquishes to the light half. Starting the next morning at sunrise, the sun climbs just a little higher and stays a little longer in the sky each day. Known as Solstice Night, or the longest night of the year, much celebration was to be had as the ancestors awaited the rebirth of the Oak King, the Sun King, the Giver of Life that warmed the frozen Earth and made her to bear forth from seeds protected through the fall and winter in her womb. Bonfires were lit in the fields, and crops and trees were "wassailed" with toasts of spiced cider.

    Children were escorted from house to house with gifts of clove spiked apples and oranges which were laid in baskets of evergreen boughs and wheat stalks dusted with flour. The apples and oranges represented the sun, the boughs were symbolic of immortality, the wheat stalks portrayed the harvest, and the flour was accomplishment of triumph, light, and life. Holly, mistletoe, and ivy not only decorated the outside, but also the inside of homes. It was to extend invitation to Nature Sprites to come and join the celebration. A sprig of Holly was kept near the door all year long as a constant invitation for good fortune to pay visit to the residents.

    The ceremonial Yule log was the highlight of the festival. In accordance to tradition, the log must either have been harvested from the householder's land, or given as a gift... it must never have been bought. Once dragged into the house and placed in the fireplace it was decorated in seasonal greenery, doused with cider or ale, and dusted with flour before set ablaze be a piece of last years log, (held onto for just this purpose). The log would burn throughout the night, then smolder for 12 days after before being ceremonially put out. Ash is the traditional wood of the Yule log. It is the sacred world tree of the Teutons, known as Yggdrasil. An herb of the Sun, Ash brings light into the hearth at the Solstice.

    A different type of Yule log, and perhaps one more suitable for modern practitioners would be the type that is used as a base to hold three candles. Find a smaller branch of oak or pine, and flatten one side so it sets upright. Drill three holes in the top side to hold red, green, and white (season), green, gold, and black (the Sun God), or white, red, and black (the Great Goddess). Continue to decorate with greenery, red and gold bows, rosebuds, cloves, and dust with flour.

    Deities of Yule are all Newborn Gods, Sun Gods, Mother Goddesses, and Triple Goddesses. The best known would be the Dagda, and Brighid, the daughter of the Dagda. Brighid taught the smiths the arts of fire tending and the secrets of metal work. Brighid's flame, like the flame of the new light, pierces the darkness of the spirit and mind, while the Dagda's cauldron assures that Nature will always provide for all the children.

    Symbolism of Yule:
    Rebirth of the Sun, The longest night of the year, The Winter Solstice, Introspect, Planning for the Future.

    Symbols of Yule:
    Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, christmas cactus.

    Herbs of Yule:
    Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar.

    Foods of Yule:
    Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or lamb's wool (ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples).

    Incense of Yule:
    Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.

    Colors of Yule:
    Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.

    Stones of Yule:
    Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.

    Activities of Yule:
    Caroling, wassailing the trees, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule

    Spellworkings of Yule:
    Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.

    Deities of Yule:
    Goddesses-Brighid, Isis, Demeter, Gaea, Diana, The Great Mother. Gods-Apollo, Ra, Odin, Lugh, The Oak King, The Horned One, The Green Man, The Divine Child, Mabon.

    --Adapted by Akasha Ap Emrys For all her friends and those of like mind--
    Copyright © 1997-99 Akasha, Herne and The Celtic Connection wicca.com. All rights reserved.